Six Things to Consider When Purchasing a Dust Collector
1. What Are Your Dust Control Needs? Each dust collection situation can be very unique whether you're collecting wood chips, welding fume, or soybeans; therefore, it’s important to understand not only the dust you generate but also how your processes create that dust. Beyond just determining the required air volume to capture and control the dust created in your process, you should understand and define all the needs in your operation. As an example, does your process generate dust only under upset conditions, or is dust generated continuously while the process runs? Does your process run intermittently for a few hours a day? Or is it run continuously for 8, 16, or 24-hours a day? If you have multiple processes, do they all run at the same time? Or do some run on different schedules? Each of these conditions influences the number and style of collectors you might consider. Do you generate enough dust quantity to dispose of dust multiple times a day? Or is dust loading light enough for daily, weekly, or even monthly disposal? Your answer will influence the discharge...